




(JKM Platnum Blue x Polished Sterling Silver)
2016 buckskin silver mare

This young mare exemplifies the quality we aspire to when breeding for the silver gene. Faire is curvy, robust, refined, and classy. Despite her rare color, she is very much a Morgan underneath her exquisite shimmering coat.

Faire is a mellow yet curious mare and we expect great things from her in time. Once ready, she will be started under saddle and eventually we hope she passes her grace and beauty on to her foals.

JKM Platnum Blue

Ragtime Doc Holliday Robbi Sue's Ragtime
Mary Mel's Irish Velvet
Prairie Hill Prima Donna Baptiste Newman Bluet
OMC Princess Serena

Polished Sterling Silver

Zeulner's Silver Legacy Zeulner's Sunka Wakan
Oregon N Blacksaddle Ecstacy
Glick's LST Becky UC Toronado
Arduns Miss Liberty

Faire's complete pedigree can be found here.

(Robbi Sue's Sweet Success x Ragtime Ms Independence)
2016 bay dun mare

Following in her father's footsteps in body and mind, this girl has exactly the temperament we aspire to breed on. She would rather be with humans than horses or food. Seven is a farm favorite with her outgoing personality and curly mane. With her unflappable nature and willingness to help, we are confident this mare will make a great trail horse and breed ambassador.

Robbi Sue Sweet Success

Equinox Beaubrook Royalton Ashbrook Darling
Equinox Sarah Mia
Robbi Sue Misalert Robbi Sue Moralert
Pendleton Buck Missy

Ragtime Ms Independence

Robbi Sue's Ragtime Edelweiss Magic Man
Robbi Sue Misalert
Successful Outta the Blue Robbi Sue's Sweet Success
Royal-T Lady Kitrina

Seven's complete pedigree can be found here.


(Teton Last Man Standing x Tetonia Misty Fire)
2017 black mare

This gorgeous filly came to us from the respected Neeley breeding program. She is tall, classy, and has a beautiful head. Her disposition is friendly and curious, exactly what we want to duplicate in our foals.

We are very fortunate to welcome this nicely pedigreed young mare to our herd. Another big thank you to Jared and Angela Neeley for breeding such exquisite Morgans and bestowing them on our program.

Teton Last Man Standing

Teton Celebration Teton Blackman
Tetonia Royalty
Tetonia Black Mist Caduceus Kirov
Tetonia Black Pearl

Tetonia Misty Fire

Amador Wrangler Amador Prince
Amador Ritzie
Tetonia Romance Caduceus Ixion
Tetonia Jewell

Saige's complete pedigree can be found here.

(photos: Jodi Thorpe)

(Robbi-Sue's Sweet Success x Lady Dun D Duchess)
2018 grulla mare

With her sire advancing in age and the fact he has sired very few grulla fillies, it was an unbelievable blessing when this bold, fancy, sassy girl arrived. Zulu has been a pocket pony since birth and displays that temperament that made me fall in love with this line. She insists on attention, and everyone is drawn to her lap-dog like demeanor. She has wonderful feminine curves like her pretty mama and the confidence that her birthright conveys. I feel incredibly lucky to have this total package in my herd. Zulu will begin her saddle career spring of 2021.

Robbi-Sue's Sweet Success

Equinox Beaubrook

Royalton Ashbrook Darling
Equinox Sarah Mia
Robbi Sue Misalert
Robbi Sue Moralert
Pendleton Buck Missy

Lady Dun D Duchess

Ragtime Dun D Ragtime Voodoo Magic
Successful Outta the Blue
Liberty Bend JL Funquest Allegro
Bonny Jane

Zulu's complete pedigree can be found here.

(RG Gus McCrae x Bar Non Shady Blue Sky)
2019 perlino dun mare

This fantastic young mare is the complete package. I have long admired the horses that her breeders produce and when the opportunity to own this filly presented itself I had to succumb. She is a rare perlino dun with the bloodlines, size, and temperament I want to replicate. I call her Isabella. The white horses in Iberian countries are called that and it seems to fit her elegant demeanor. Looking forward to great things from this special girl.

RG Gus McCrae

Robbi Sue's Mr. Alert

Edelweiss Magic Man
Robbi Sue Misalert
Ragtime Tiz a Dun
JPSJG Just Amazing
Robbi Sue's Mystique

Bar Non Shady Blue Sky

Truwest Silver Suede S Bar B Pierre Noire
Truwest Adobe Rose
MVR Buttercup Montezsierradon
Windswept Ruth

Isabella's complete pedigree can be found here.

(Robbi Sue's Sweet Success x Bessia's Abyssinia)
2018 black mare

Priscilla is the last of our beloved Zeke's foals. She carries a beautiful bloodline and has that wonderful Robbie Sue's disposition. We expect her to be a docile and kind saddle mount in the near future. She will carry on her sire's legacy through babies of her own in the years to come. We feel very fortunate to have Zeke daughters in the herd.

Robbi Sue's Sweet Success

Equinox Beaubrook

Royalton Ashbrook Darling
Equinox Sarah Mia
Robbi Sue Misalert Robbi Sue Moralert
Pendleton Buck Missy

Bessia's Abyssinia

Sharthunder Wyoming Flayhawk
Triple S Ebonella
Longstreet Octavia Blackwood Correll
Whippoorwill Juliet

Priscilla's complete pedigree can be found here.

(Tocara's Double Dose x MHB Sterling Savoir Faire)
2022 silver dunskin mare

This gorgeous and rare silver dunskin mare graced our herd in 2022. She carries a dun, a cream, and a silver gene but her real attribute is her sweet and personable nature. She is friendly, feminine, and fantastic all the way around. We are looking forward to seeing this lovely mare blossom into one of our riding and breeding superstars.

Tocaras Double Dose

Lineback Double Take Robbi Sue's Success Story
Cushman's Melanie Dun Sue
Coachman's Tsunami Stormwashed
UVM Impulse

MHB Sterling Savoir Faire

JKM Platnum Blue Ragtime Doc Holliday
Prairie Hill Prima Donna
Polished Sterling Silver Zeulner's Silver Legacy
Glick's LST Becky

Fleur's complete pedigree can be found here.

(Siridian Mighty Mouse x Tetonia Jewell)
2010 chestnut mare, 100% Foundation

Ruby has a wealth of old blood very close up. She is a Domino Joe granddaughter and pretty as they come. Chiseled head and ears sit atop a compact, well boned frame. She is smart, fun, and sassy!

Siridian Mighty Mouse

G H Joppa Boncrh Chief Red Hawk
Stillwater Bon Bon
Siridian Lady Heir Siridian Legacy
Serena Rosanne

Tetonia Jewell

Domino Joe Stetson
Tetonia Warhawk Doll Amador Celebration
Tetonia Black Bird

Ruby's complete pedigree can be found here.

(FPS Success Made in Dun x Hang N Bit o Rum)
2017 red dun mare

Maple is a stunning red dun mare that we were blessed to be able to obtain. She is started under saddle and has already produced a homozygous dun filly. We plan on continuing both her saddle career as well as her broodmare abilities. This quality mare is a huge asset to our herd.

FPS Success Made in Dun

Robbi Sue's Sweet Success

Equinox Beaubrook
Robbi Sue Misalert
FPS American Made FPS Key Largo
Acoma Holly Hock

Hang N Bit o Rum

JMF Rum Runner Rum Brook Immortal Image
Peppertree Pirouette
Brownstone Bit o W Pepper Northerly Heart o Honey
Stormy's Balladeer

Maple's complete pedigree can be found here.

(Robbi Sue's Ragtime x Successful Outta the Blue)
2012 chestnut mare

Indy is a big, sweet, firecracker of a mare. She has a formidable presence, a sport horse build, yet a soft eye and inquisitive nature. Despite coming from a grulla dam and a buckskin sire, she has a bright coppery red coat. She is a stunning young mare and we feel very fortunate to have the last of Ragtime's breeding program here with us. Indy is half sister to our grulla stallion, Ragtime Dun D and her grandsire is the legendary Robbi-Sue's Sweet Success. We expect wonderful things from this tall, gorgeous mare.

Robbi Sue's Ragtime

Edelweiss Magic Man Suetor's Lendon
Dark Debonette
Robbi Sue Misalert Robbi Sue Moralert
Pendleton Buck Missy

Successful Outta the Blue

Robbi Sue's Sweet Success Equinox Beaubrook
Robbi Sue Misalert
Royal-T Lady Kitrina Royal T Zipalona
Foxy's Pride

Indy's complete pedigree can be found here.

(Alpinemist Sirocco x Bessia's Abyssnia)
2016 dunalino mare

Peach is a nicely bred, friendly young mare that loves to be around people. Her pedigree boasts some greats such as Blackwood Correll, Wyoming Flyhawk, Sharthunder and she has the added bonus of a cream dilution and a dun dilution gene. Peach will be started under saddle in 2019 and with her gentle demeanor and stout build we expect her to be a main member of our riding string.

Alpinemist Sirocco

Successful Sorcerer Robbi-Sue's Sweet Success
Royal T Lady Kitrina
Bar D Paloma Bar D Major R Chee
Bar D Scarlet Dancer

Bessia's Abyssinia

Sharthunder Wyoming Flyhawk
Triple S Ebonella
Longstreet Octavia Blackwood Correll
Whippoorwill Juliet

Peach's complete pedigree can be found here.


Natalie Tanaka * Victor, ID * 307-200-1110 * MHBMorgans@hotmail.com  

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All Night Studio